Jefferson County Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Motorcyclists are amongst the most vulnerable of all road users, and accidents involving motorcycles have the potential to be catastrophic. Alarmingly, accidents and crashes also appear to be on the rise, and they can result in life-changing injuries or, in some cases, death of the rider.
Seeking accurate, experienced legal advice is crucial in any motorcycle case, and this is where our personal injury attorneys can help.
What Are The Risks Of A Motorcycle Accident?
Motorcycle accidents can be deadly, and they have the potential to cause serious injuries. The smaller size of the vehicle, and the lack of protection, means that riders tend to suffer and receive more severe injuries than car drivers. Some of the most common injuries suffered by motorcyclists include:
- Spinal Cord Injuries: The spinal cord is a critical aspect of the body, and damage can have catastrophic consequences. If the spinal cord is injured, the rider can end up paralyzed. This may involve paraplegia – the lower extremities of the body – or quadriplegia – paralysis of all four limbs. Any damage to the spinal cord has the potential to cause full or partial paralysis.
- Traumatic Brain Injuries: A traumatic brain injury is one of the most common injuries suffered by motorcyclists, even those who are wearing a helmet. Any knock to the head – even a small bump – can affect the way in which the brain functions. There can be bruising or bleeding, and long-term damage is likely, including altered cognitive function, changes in personality, problems with memory, and issues involving movement. In some cases, these injuries result in death.
- Internal Injuries: Internal injuries can be caused by blunt force trauma, penetration from glass, or heavy, sudden impact. This can damage internal organs, cause bleeding, or even result in death.
- Lower Extremity Injuries: Having the lower extremities exposed means that injuries to this part of the body are very common. Riders may break or fracture their legs, or suffer serious damage to the soft tissue.
- Road Rash: Road rash is another common injury sustained in motorcycle accidents, as riders are more likely to come into contact with the ground or road. Long term infections and scarring are common, and this can lead to permanent disfigurement or life-long suffering.
What Can Cause A Motorcycle Accident?
With motorcyclists amongst the most common road users to be involved in accidents, there are a number of factors which can cause an accident.
- Inattentive driving: Failing to pay due care and attention to the road, particularly using a mobile phone to send texts or make phone calls while driving can cause accidents. A break in concentration can mean that drivers miss a motorcyclist coming their way, and this can have catastrophic consequences.
- Failure to adhere to traffic laws: Speeding, running red lights, trying to race other cars, and other illegal maneuvers all put other road users at risk, particularly motorcyclists who tend to be closer to the road and therefore more vulnerable. Aggressive and reckless drivers are another major cause of accidents; they tend to take more risks which can endanger the lives of others, and their behaviour can be classed as negligence.
- Driving under the influence: A driver who is behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is incredibly dangerous and has the potential to cause a serious accident.
- Inattentional blindness: One common reason for accidents involving motorcycles is inattentional blindness. This occurs when drivers look at a motorcycle, but fail to actually acknowledge it. The small size and fast speed of motorcycles can make them tricky to spot, and some drivers do not see them until it is too late.
What Can I Do If I Am Involved In A Motorcycle Accident?
If you find yourself the victim of a motorcycle accident, you may be able to pursue the driver of the car for damages if you can prove that they were negligent. If you are successful, they will be responsible for paying for damages and compensation.
Here at Grafe & Batchelor, P.C., we have worked with victims of motorcycle accidents all across Missouri, and we have a proven track record of helping our clients to achieve success. Get in touch today and see how we can help you. Call us at (636) 933-9151.