What is A Hardship License?

In Missouri, it is possible for someone who meets specific requirements and has had their driver’s license suspended or revoked to apply for and receive a hardship license, also known as limited driving privileges or LDPs. LDPs are awarded to allow people who have had their standard license revoked or suspended to meet their daily obligations so they may continue to make a living or receive medical care. LDPs are only given to some. There was a reason your original privileges were revoked. It is a complex process requiring the guidance of a trusted, knowledgeable, and ambitious legal team willing to go the extra mile for their clients.

At Grafe & Batchelor, P.C., everyone deserves the proper defense. Call us today for a free consultation at 636-220-5934.

What Are the Conditions for a Hardship License?

Getting a hardship license is a complex task. Multiple conditions must be met before the court will consider granting your application. These conditions are in place to ensure that those granted LDPs use them for the purposes they were awarded and do not abuse them. The purpose of suspending your license was to help you learn from your mistakes, so reinstatement should be considered a challenging but worthwhile process. The conditions include:

  • Evidence that you have installed a state-approved Ignition Interlock Device (IID)
  • Proof that your driving habits are better and no longer pose any risk to other drivers.
  • Evidence that you haven’t been in any alcohol-related incidents on the road

Once the court reviews your submitted petition, it will approve or deny your LDP.

Are There Any Ineligible Drivers to Receive Limited Driving Privileges?

Missouri wants its roads to be safe for all drivers and has made the requirements for receiving a hardship license very strict. Certain types of drivers are simply ineligible to obtain hardship licenses. They are:

  • Drivers with felony convictions caused when they were driving, such as vehicular homicide or manslaughter (a traffic offense resulting in someone’s death.)
  • For drivers with DWI convictions, though in some cases Restricted Driving Privileges may be available instead, consult with your lawyer for more information
  • Drivers convicted of Hit-and-Run accidents
  • Drivers who haven’t paid all their tickets in Missouri or other states
  • Drivers not living in Missouri at the time of filing
  • Drivers who don’t meet all the requirements
  • Drivers who have suspended or revoked CDLs
  • Drivers with poor motor vehicle judgment

How Do I Apply for a Hardship License?

There are multiple avenues to apply for an LDP. The Missouri Department of Revenue provides all of the details. However, it is a complex process, and it should be noted that if you have a 5- or 10-year denial or suspension on your record, you cannot apply to the Department of Revenue. You have to petition the circuit court for your LDP, which will require the assistance of a hardship license lawyer. At Grafe & Batchelor, P.C., we’re on your team.

What is SR22 Insurance?

SR22 insurance is a particular product your car insurance company files with the Missouri Department of Revenue, proving that insurance is in place. It will increase the cost of your insurance policy. It is required after a certain number of traffic violations occur. Check with your policy carrier for details.

What is SATOP?

You will see a bit of alphabet soup when you fill out the Limited Driving Petition. Don’t be intimidated. Your hardship license lawyer is available to answer any questions you may have. SATOP is the Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program. It is an education program required for reinstatement following specific types of alcohol-related traffic violations. The classes can vary and range from a single class to a complete outpatient substance abuse program. Your lawyer will have full details about the program.

How Long Will it Take to Get My Limited Driving Privileges Approved?

Once you have all your documentation in order and your lawyer has filed your petition with the court, it will usually review your application and offer its ruling within 5-7 working days. If the court approves your petition, you will be notified by mail. Ensure the notification is with you each time you get behind the wheel from that point forward. You should also note that any further traffic violation will result in the immediate revocation of your LDP.

Remember that an LDP is a true gift and should be treated as the second chance that it is.

How Can a Hardship License Lawyer Help My Case?

It may sound as though it is as simple as filling out a couple of forms and attaching an IID to your car, but obtaining a hardship license is a much more complex process than that. If they handed them out that easily, more people would know about the program, and it would be far more common practice. The state of Missouri makes reinstatement of a revoked license difficult for a purpose: to remind people that driving is a privilege and not a right.

At Grafe & Batchelor, P.C., we can help you reinstate your driving privileges. We’re experienced, robust, reliable, and confident hardship lawyers who can represent your best interests and fight for you. We’ll help you draft and file your petition and represent you at the hearing. We’ll be with you all the way through. Call us today for a free consultation at 636-220-5934